Tuesday, 18 January 2011 15:38

Home hemodialysis The count down begins now.

Written by  Francis Quinn
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Home hemodialysis The count down begins now.

Hi this blog is going to be updated daily for people to see what’s involved in setting up of Home hemodialysis in your own home. The count down begins now.

My main objectives on this blog are to keep thing simple and give people the information they need first hand.

My Background.

I've been on dialysis twice in my 33 years once when i was 10 for 18 months which i was on at home on a home peritoneal dialysis machine which I used myself. After 18 years of a transplant i got IgA again and am now back on treatment again. This time I learnt how to use the Machine in Hospital and now want to bring hemodialysis home to my house. Which now also involves learning how to use the new hemodialysis machine and this is what the blog will be about along with the setting up of the room and who's involved personal wise

... http://home-hemodialysis.blogspot.com/2010/12/home-hemodialysis-count-down-begins-now.html

Francis Quinn

Francis Quinn

Hi, I'm Francis and from Ireland and have been a dialysis patient twice in my life once in 1989 for 2 year and now again from 2009. I've done both forms of dialysis. Now am on the road to doing home dialysis. I've also had dialysis abroad in a dialysis center an intend on going on holiday this year again. I work 5 days a week as a Software Developer and mostly work in the office but i can also work from home. I really like my Independence's so for me being on dialysis does not restrict my life because i don'tt let it. I hope, to share my experiences of moving from hospital dialysis to home dialysis. I hope this will help to inform other to make the decision i did on moving from hospital dialysis to home dialysis and show it's not so scary Francis.

Website: home-hemodialysis.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
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