Monday, 10 February 2014 16:33

HDF on a Fresenius 5008

Written by  Steve Bone
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I have recently had the survey carried out at home to see if I could accommodate a Fresenius 5008S, to replace my current NxStage machine. This immediately gives the opportunity to use HDF, a next step I am keen to take. All has been agreed, the techs have the machines available, – just waiting on confirmed dates for installation and training. Watch this space.



Steve Bone

Steve Bone

Hi, I'm Steve and have been a dialysis patient on some form of self-care or other since 1990. I've dialysed at home, abroad, in hospital, oh and had a transplant for 7 years. I work in the insurance industry for a City based business, but am very fortunate to be able to work from home 4 days a week. I hope, with my experiences, I can help others on dialysis or those facing dialysis in the future! It ain't so bad! Steve

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