Dialysis world news

Fears over new £15m hospital - Norfolk Eastern Daily Press PDF Print
Norfolk Eastern Daily PressThe conversion of the ward block would also provide room for future expansion of renal dialysis. New services to be provided at Cromer would include

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Readers Write 9/27 - Atlanta Journal Constitution PDF Print
Atlanta Journal ConstitutionThe closing of Grady Hospital's outpatient dialysis unit would be a tragedy for metro Atlanta's legal residents (“Grady to relocate dialysis outpatients,”

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Preventing Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis - Renal and Urology News PDF Print
Renal and Urology NewsA review of the literature demonstrates that the vast majority of patients described as having NSF have dialysis-dependent ESRD, stage 5 CKD, and AKI.

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Carnitine in HD Patients: An Update - Renal and Urology News PDF Print
Renal and Urology NewsAltered carnitine status, sometimes referred to as dialysis-related carnitine disorder or deficiency, is a multi-factorial issue in CKD.

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TCT: Renal Denervation Promising in Refractory Hypertension - MedPage Today PDF Print
MedPage TodayExplain to interested patients that the renal denervation device used in the study is not approved by

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