Dialysis world news

Hemodiálise noturna é tão boa quanto receber um transplante de rim - Diário da Saúde PDF Print
Diário da Saúde
Os resultados sugerem que a hemodiálise noturna - uma diálise intensiva com sessões de seis a oito horas até sete vezes por semana - pode ser não apenas uma

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US seeks 'bundled' payment for kidney dialysis - Reuters PDF Print
Under the proposed plan, the payment would cover dialysis treatment, clinical laboratory tests and prescription drugs, including oral drugs. ...
Medicare Dialysis Change Not Material Barron's
New Medicare Rules for Dialysis Affect Biotech: BioBuzz TheStreet.com
CMS proposes new prospective payment system for renal dialysis

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Kidney Injury While Hospitalized May Lead to Future Dialysis - U.S. News & World Report PDF Print
U.S. News & World Report
15 (HealthDay News) -- Among patients who encounter serious kidney problems while hospitalized, those who require dialysis are not at increased risk of ...
Acute Kidney Injury Predisposes to Chronic Dialysis MedPage Today
Chronic on Acute Renal Failure Long-term Implications of Severe

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New Data Shows DaVita Facilities Lead Virginia in Improving Kidney ... - Reuters PDF Print
ReutersThe Fistula First initiative was launched July 1, 2003, by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) along with the 18 ESRD Networks and the

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Tylko pieni?dzy brak - nowiny.pl PDF Print
Sama tylko dializa trwa cztery godziny. Nie zawsze pacjent czuje si? po niej dobrze, dlatego tak du?e znaczenie ma skrócenie drogi na zabieg – mówi doktor

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