Dialysis world news

Obama's Health Czar (Time Magazine) PDF Print

Nancy-Ann DeParle has spent most of her health-care career out of the public eye, which is perfect for her new job in the Obama White House

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Research chair to improve the lives of organ transplant recipients (EurekAlert!) PDF Print

( University of Western Ontario ) Research at the University of Western Ontario gave Pat Davis his life back. After three failed kidney transplants, Pat had given up hope of ever getting off dialysis. But with research advances by Dr. Anthony Jevnikar, and a kidney donated by Pat's wife, he is now living an active, healthy life again. Dr. Jevnikar has now been named to a new $1.1 million ...

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El incendio ocurrido en un almacén de lanas en Vigo obliga a realojar a varios vecinos (El Correo Gallego) PDF Print

El fuego originado hoy en un almacén de lanas que fue anteriormente un secadero de bacalao y que se encuentra ubicado en la zona viguesa de Guixar, en el barrio de Teis, ha obligado a buscar alojamiento para los vecinos afectados, según explicó hoy el alcalde de la ciudad, Abel Caballero.

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El incendio ocurrido en un almacén de lanas en Vigo obliga a realojar a varios vecinos (Europa Press via Yahoo! España Noticias) PDF Print

Las bocas de riego de la zona estaban parcialmente tapadas y hubo falta de presión de agua en todo el barrio de Teis

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American Association Of Kidney Patients Recognizes National Kidney Month (Medical News Today) PDF Print

With an estimated 26 million Americans suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD) and another 20 million at risk of developing the disease, the American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP) is proud to recognize March as National Kidney Month. Chronic kidney disease is a progressive disease which can lead to kidney failure, also known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

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