Dialysis world news

Farming Chemicals Cause Kidney Failure for Workers in Nicaragua (Environmental News Network) PDF Print

More than 3,000 workers at a sugar plant owned by Nicaragua's most powerful company have died from chronic renal failure since 1990 and a victims' group says another 5,000 workers have since developed the condition for the company´s use of agrochemicals. The San Antonio Refinery is owned by the Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited, a part of Grupo Pellas, which produces Flor de Caña rum as well as ...

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Fonds : Orpea encore et toujours en tête - Boursier.com PDF Print

Ainsi, les trois principales lignes en portefeuille se concentrent en Orpea, LVL Medical et Fresenius. Aucun commentaire pour le moment. ...

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Fresenius Medical Care "buy" - AktienCheck PDF Print

Fresenius Medical Care biete Investoren großartige defensive Qualitäten. Die Risiken seien geringer als bei der Mutter Fresenius. ...

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La plus grande preuve d'amour - Le Quotidien du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean PDF Print

Elle lui a donné un rein pour qu'il évite les traitements de dialyse et ainsi, mener une vie normale. «Ç'a été plus fort que moi! ...

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Abwartend bis leichter - boerse.de (Pressemitteilung) PDF Print

Zahlen melden: Continental, Deutsche Postbank, Fresenius, Fresenius Medical Care, MAN, Techem, AXA, BAE Systems, BNP Paribas, Dialog Semi, Nestlé, PPR, ...

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