Dialysis world news

Hurricane Katrina Resulted in Missed Dialysis Sessions - Renal Business Today PDF Print

NEW YORK—Nearly 17 percent of dialysis patients living in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit missed three or more dialysis sessions, largely due to a ...

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Borsa Francoforte: Dax perde l'1,88%, Volkswagen -5,1% - Borsa Italiana PDF Print

In ribasso Volkswagen ed Infineon che cedono rispettivamente il 5,1% ed il 4,6%. In rialzo, invece, Bmw (+0,6%) e Fresenius (+0,5%). red/est/dar.

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Doctors alarmed at spate of kidney failures - Ghanaian Chronicle PDF Print

She, however, noted that renal failure (kidney failure) was not an infectious disease. According to her, the nature of the disease was such that it could ...

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Riesgo de daño renal se puede presentar en personas con alta ... - El Tiempo (Colombia) PDF Print

... en gran medida la necesidad de diálisis y trasplantes de riñón. El estudio fue presentado en la publicación 'Journal of the American Society Nephrology'.

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El Peset realiza el octavo trasplante renal en adulto con riñones pediátricos (Panorama Actual) PDF Print

El Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset de Valencia realizó este miércoles su octavo trasplante renal en adulto utilizando dos riñones pediátricos.

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