Dialysis world news

La Junta presenta el Anteproyecto del nuevo Hospital de Cuenca a los profesionales del centro sanitario (La Cerca) PDF Print

El director gerente del SESCAM, Juan Alfonso Ruiz Molina, junto con el gerente del Hospital de Cuenca, José Antonio Olmeda y el delegado de Salud y Bienestar Social, Ángel Tomás Godoy, ha asistido al acto de presentación a los profesionales del centro sanitario del Anteproyecto del nuevo Hospital que la Junta va a construir en Cuenca.

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Victory Garden: Plant your leafy vegetables and herbs now - Dallas Morning News PDF Print

If you are using transplants, be careful to plant them at the same soil level that they were growing in the smaller pot – the top of the transplant soil ...

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Psychological impact found in adolescents with kidney transplants - Science Centric PDF Print

A new study describes the psychological profile of adolescents who have received kidney transplants and compares them to those of healthy peers. ...

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Wadena Boy Urgently Needs New Kidney - Review Messenger PDF Print

Patrick was born with renal failure, so his mother, Laura (Snyder) Uselman, (Joel's sister) donated one of her kidneys to her son when he was only 16 months ...

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Cole's Son Being Tested as Kidney Donor - Showbiz Spy PDF Print

By Adam, February 5 2009 Natalie Cole is hoping to have a kidney transplant in the near future - and her son is being tested as a possible donor. ...

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