Kidney Patients Get Hope - PDF Print

Mulago hospital has acquired 10 more dialysis equipments at a cost of shs 150 million each with the help of the Japanese government.

Bateerana Byarugaba the Executive Director says the increment will enable more patients access treatment. Thomson Maseruka a doctor at Mulago says with the increment, the hospital will be able to handle about 14 patients on a daily basis up from the three patients the hospital has been receiving per week.

Bateerana however says treatment is still expensive because the hospital lacks consumables. He says kidney patients in need of dialysis part with shs 250000 every time they go for a session and in the week they would spend about shs 750000 but Bateraana says this is bound to change starting next financial year because the hospital is in the process of acquiring consumables that will be used.

Bateerana says if the hospital gets consumables, patients will pay between shs 25000-30000 per session.


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