Mental Health Affects Survival in Dialysis Patients; Psychological Distress in ... - Insidermedicine PDF Print

(April 5, 2012 - Insidermedicine)

From Korea - Mental health may affect dialysis patients' survival, according to a report published in Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology. Studying nearly 2000 dialysis patients, researchers found that those with poor mental health were more likely to hospitalized sooner with heart problems and  die earlier than those with steady mental health scores.

From Australia - Psychological distress in older adults may be linked to inactivity, according to a report published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Studying data on nearly 100,000 men and women over the age of 65, researchers found that those who reported moderate psychological distress were 7x more likely to have functional limitations.

From New York - A new report published in Breast Cancer Researchfinds that vitamin D sensitivity may explain racial differences in breast cancer risk. Researchers found that severe vitamin D deficiency was 6x more common in African American women than European American women. As well, African American women with the highest levels of vitamin D also carried a genetic variation that European American women had--a variation that halved their risk of breast cancer.


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