Artificial Kidneys Promise Freedom for Dialysis Patients and Savings for Hospitals - New Zealand Doctor Online PDF Print

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Artificial Kidneys Promise Freedom for Dialysis Patients and Savings for Hospitals

Media release from GBI Research GBI ResearchWednesday 18 April 2012, 4:09PM

Media release from GBI Research

NEW YORK (GBI Research), 17 April 2012 - The Wearable Artificial Kidney (WAK) will offer patients across the world suffering from kidney failure freedom from endless hospital appointments - and hospitals the chance to save on resources - states a new report by medical industry experts GBI Research.

The new report* shows the growing prevalence of diabetes and hypertension, alongside an increasingly large elderly population, has meant that doctors have encountered a rapid growth in the number of patients suffering from End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), which has put pressure on burgeoning healthcare budgets. However, the lucrative market these patients represent for dialysis device manufacturers has led to the development of the WAK, the latest innovation to provide patient care on a global scale.

One in 10 adults are at risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD), totaling roughly 500 million people worldwide, and the rising diabetic population is increasing the prevalence of diabetic nephropathy, which is a leading cause of CKD and ESRD. Serious kidney damage demands medical attention, and the Wearable Artificial Kidney (WAK) is the latest treatment option, offering continuous dialysis treatment to patients with ESRD by using nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes to imitate normal kidney function. Individuals gain a dramatically improved quality of life, as treatment requires minimal patient intervention. WAKs are fully automated, battery operated, lightweight, waterproof, do not restrict lifestyle or diet, and eliminate normal dialysis procedures, which can take up to four hours, three times a week. WAKs also avoid the sudden electrolyte imbalances associated with timed dialysis, and recycle bodily fluids to reduce protein loss and eliminate water loss, providing ESRD patients with safer care.

Increasing use of WAKs will reduce medical expenditure related to the hospitalization and treatment of ESRD patients, reducing the risk of treatment-related complications. This will not only lead to huge financial savings for public health services, but will increase patient confidence and raise the profile of renal dialysis within the world of medical innovations.

Improved global access to healthcare services have led to better standards of living in developing economies, extending the life expectancies of dialysis patients, and transforming the spread of medical devices across the globe. The US dominate the global market for renal dialysis equipment, accounting for a 30% market share. However, market growth is emerging in India and the UK, while traditional market leaders Japan and Brazil are witnessing slowing growth rates due to saturation in coverage. France and other European countries are also projected to witness a decline in growth rates due to healthcare budget cuts. Therefore, emerging countries such as India and China hold the key to growth for equipment manufacturers.

The global renal dialysis equipment market is forecast to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6% to $12.7 billion during 2010-2017. Dialysis accessories will continue to be the largest sub-segment, and will grow at a CAGR of 6% during the forecast period.


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