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Felda foundation reaches out to needy Malaysians - New Straits Times PDF Print

YAYASAN Felda's Haemodialysis Centre at Anjung Felda, Jalan Maktab, Kuala Lumpur, daily serves patients with renal failure, who awaittheir turn at any one of the 23 dialysis machines.


Tan Sri Mohd Yusof Noor, special adviser to the prime minister on Felda matters, sharing a light moment with guests at a Yayasan Felda function.

Were it not for the efforts of Yayasan Felda, which was started in 1998 as the corporate social responsibility arm of the Felda Group, most of these low-income patients would have few alternatives in terms of obtaining a life-saving treatment.

It costs more than RM30,000 a year for kidney patients at private hospitals. Thanks to Yayasan Felda, more than 60 patients annually only need to pay a nominal sum for their thrice-weekly treatments.

The foundation has also donated 33 dialysis machines, costing close to RM1.5 million, to various government hospitals and non-governmental organisations that run haemodialysis centres nationwide, thereby enabling more patients access to an expensive but much needed treatment.

Yayasan Felda has always been about giving back to the people, particularly settlers and their families. Funding for the foundation's work comes from the Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) and Felda Holdings Berhad. The funds are managed by a board of trustees.

Yayasan Felda's far-reaching work is geared towards fulfilling its goal of elevating national standards in education, health, research and development (R&D), welfare and culture.

To date, more than RM150 million has been disbursed by the foundation and close to 80 per cent of that figure has been spent on education and healthcare initiatives, which is the foundation's key focus.

In 2010, RM12.8 million and RM4.6 million were spent on education and healthcare respectively. The foundation sees these two areas as cornerstones in the improvement of the quality of life of all Malaysians.

In the field of education, the foundation's work has benefited several target groups across all ages, from primary schoolchildren to university students. Preparing school leavers with skills that would make them employable has also been a priority.

For the children of settlers, for example, skills such as catering, tailoring and information technology, as well as courses in healthcare and entrepreneurship, are taught. These skills are taught at four Kolej Integrasi Ilmu campuses in Mampaga, Pahang; Trolak, Perak; Raja Alias, Negri Sembilan; Kerteh, Terengganu; and Institut Teknology Utama in Kelana Jaya, Selangor.

Intensive English courses are also conducted at the Felda English Language Centre in Kelana Jaya to improve the standard of English of school leavers for higher education and job opportunities.

In 2010, the educational improvement activities of the foundation were expanded to produce outstanding students at the Penilaian Menengah Rendah and Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia examinations. They were handpicked to undertake specialised areas of study.

The other two areas that Yayasan Felda is actively involved in are R&D and social welfare.

Yayasan Felda is currently funding 12 projects to the tune of RM2.2 million, bringing the total number of grants to 71 valued at RM 12.2 million, since 1999.

Thirty-two of these were completed with the potential for commercial applications.

In the field of social welfare, the foundation views its role as the helping hand that lessens the burden of unfortunate Malaysians. It could be as simple as donating food and clothing for a family whose home has been flooded. Or it could be supplying a wheelchair to an elderly member of the family.

In all such cases, applications are reviewed thoroughly to see if assistance is required.

The foundation also strives to work with other organisations to extend its reach to the most deserving cases.

Since its establishment 14 years ago, Yayasan Felda has helped communities in Malaysia to grow. Its mission and raison d'etre, to lend a helping hand and uplift the lives of Malaysians, will always remain.


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