Team Saipan Health/St. Jude Renal Care - Saipan Tribune PDF Print

Team Saipan Health/St. Jude Renal Care - Saipan Tribune MAC Committee's note: As we mark the 10th anniversary of the Marianas March Against Cancer, the 2012 MMAC committee would like to honor and recognize the efforts of our teams for their untiring support in the fight against cancer.

All it took was one staffer to take interest in participating in the Marianas March Against Cancer and soon after, the Team Saipan Health/St. Jude Renal Care was formed and has been taking part in the annual event for 3 years now.

The team noted that 'cancer' is a word that's neither easy to say nor hear. “Who knew that one word could change your whole world? All the uncertainties, all the unknown and all the fear is now a reality. Your body becomes numb and your heart drops.”

The team added, “Cancer is life-changing and individuals who are fighting the battle need plenty of support,” MMAC provides funding for Commonwealth Cancer Association who provides ample support to not just the individual fighting cancer but even the family. Cancer has impacted our team on a personal level. We have survivors on our team and have lost some to cancer. Why not support a cause that supports our community?”

Their favorite part of the MMAC event, Team Saipan Health/St. Jude Renal Care said, is the survivor walk wherein several individuals who battled cancer, along with their families, walk around the Hopwood Jr. High School track to recognize their courage in the fight and inspire hope to those who are undergoing treatment.

“It's very emotional and powerful,” said the team.

For this year, Team Saipan Health/St. Jude Renal Care said they have great plans for their tent but did not elaborate. “Let's just say it's going to be bright and very colorful.”

Team Saipan Health/St. Jude Renal Care's advice to those who have considered forming a MMAC team is, “It is a lot of work but do it! The funds raised go to a great cause and stay on island. You are helping individuals who are fighting cancer in the CNMI.”

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