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Miri Marriott employees help out at MRC kidney dialysis centre - The Borneo Post PDF Print

Posted on May 18, 2012, Friday

MIRI: In conjunction with the Marriott’s Associates Appreciation Week celebration, 20 employees of the Miri Marriott Resort & Spa gave their spare time visiting and cleaning the Kidney Dialysis Centre operated by the Miri chapter of the Malaysian Red Crescent (MRC).

The visit last Monday was initiated by the director of Human Resources, Rita Chen and supported by general manager Marcel Hinderer and executive housekeeper Daniel Bastiampillai.

Equipped with brooms, towels and other cleaning tools, the volunteers did a magnificent job in cleaning the premises.

Manager of the centre, Jurip Ngaop led his staff in welcoming the volunteers who were briefed on the centre’s operation before getting their hands dirty.

Jurip said the centre has 46 dialysis machines that could handle up to 92 treatments/patients per day, and there are 62 full-time workers at the centre making sure everything runs smoothly.

Each patient needs three dialyses per week, and each session lasts for four hours, for the rest of the patient’s life, or until such time there is a suitable donor for a kidney transplant.

“Kidney failure is a serious problem and we should understand what the symptoms are and how it can be prevented. All of us should look after our health seriously and adopt a moderate eating habit,” Jurip said.

Currently, the centre survives solely on donations from the public, multi-national corporations, local companies and government bodies. The centre only provides treatment for patients who are 18 and above.

Patients are also encouraged to pay what they can afford in order for the centre to continue providing the invaluable service.

The volunteers from Marriott were later treated to a simple tea break after the spring-cleaning, and in return the resort donated a few boxes of mineral water and a hamper to the centre for its kind hospitality.

“It was a precious trip for all of us here. We now understand the important role played by the Miri Red Crescent Dialysis Centre, and definitely understand that we all should start engaging an active and healthy lifestyle as a preventive measure to all illnesses that could lead to kidney failure. Thank you to Jurip and his team for having us here,” Marcel said.

The resort celebrates its Associates Appreciation Week (May 14 to 18) annually together with more than 3,700 Marriott properties worldwide.

It is a fun-event packed week in which Marriott associates (staff) are honoured for their dedication, hard work and ‘spirit to serve’ fellow associates, guests, community and the environment.


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