Renal unit is not open to everyone - Banbury Guardian PDF Print

Published on Wednesday 23 May 2012 12:00

A WOMAN who is spending up to ten hours a day reaching a blood treatment centre has pleaded with health chiefs to fully open Banbury’s new dialysis unit.

Shirley Crane, 71, of Edinburgh Way, Banbury left home last Saturday at 10.30am to have her three-hour dialysis session at the Churchill Hospital, Oxford.

She did not finally reach home until 8.30pm.

Now she has appealed to the Oxford University Hospitals Trust to speed up extension of the hours available at the new dialysis unit at Banbury’s Horton General Hospital, which currently operates on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

“When it started three weeks ago, we were told they would be adding Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays within two weeks,” said Mrs Crane.

“But they haven’t got the staff, we’ve been told. They need two more and it will take two months to train them so that will mean months before we get to have local treatment.

“One specialist nurse at the Churchill wanted to transfer to Banbury but they wouldn’t let her.” Mrs Crane, who has physical disabilities and can only walk with a frame, said Saturday’s ten-hour day was not an isolated incident.

“There were nine others in the ambulance and they all had to be dropped off, taking up a lot of journey time. It’s not the first time. I’m often home that late,” she said.

“I have to cook for myself when I get home and it all makes me very tired indeed. I have no energy after the dialysis.

“Having it at Banbury would make it so much easier, it’s only a ten minute drive,” said Mrs Crane, who has to have blood treatment three times a week.

Dialysis matron Allie Thornley said: “We have recruited two clinical support workers to support the Horton unit. HR checks are being processed as fast as possible.

“The plan was always to open the unit in stages with the intention to open the full stations four to six weeks after opening. We anticipate the new staff will have intensive training and would be able to work at the Horton within two weeks.”


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