Jesuit student still waiting for a kidney after almost two years - PDF Print

The last time I wrote about Jason LaHatte was in August, 2010. He was 13 and about to start eighth grade at Jesuit High School, and he was excited about playing trumpet in the Blue Jay Marching Band. But one thing was slowing him down: He needed a new kidney, preferably from a living donor.

jason-lahatte-and-parents.jpg Rusty Costanza, The Times-PicayuneJason LaHatte, center, poses with his parents, Joe, left, Jonnie, right, at their home in Metairie. Jason is in need of a kidney transplant.

“I wish I didn’t have to get one, but I know I do,” he told me. “It’s just aggravating to have to do it now because they put me in the accelerated program at Jesuit, and I’m going to have a lot of makeup work.”

After the story appeared, many people who had type O blood contacted me and Jason’s parents, Jonnie and Joe LaHatte, wanting to offer Jason a healthy kidney. But now, nearly two years later, he’s still waiting.

“It’s a never-ending story,” Jonnie said, when we sat down to talk at the LaHattes’ home in Metairie a few days ago.

Jason’s story began when he was 5 and he became ill during a family trip to the beach. As soon as they got home, Jason’s pediatrician did some blood tests and sent the LaHattes to Children’s Hospital where they learned the heart-breaking news: Their little boy had end-stage kidney disease and needed a new kidney.

Two weeks later, Jason went home with a shunt in his stomach and a dialysis machine. And for 10 hours every night he was on dialysis.

The LaHattes learned that kidney disease is called “the silent killer” because people die waiting for a donor. They also learned that a kidney from a living donor has less chance of being rejected than a kidney from someone who has died. So they, their two older sons, and their extended family got tested, but nobody was a good match.

Jason didn’t do well on dialysis and was often too sick to attend kindergarten at St. Ann Elementary School in Metairie. But in September the LaHattes listened to a life-saving message on their answer machine. It was from Cindy Hudson, who had known Jonnie and Joe from years earlier, when their older sons were grade-school friends. She had heard about Jason from her sister, who worked at St. Ann’s.

Hudson said, “I have type O blood, and I’ll give you a kidney.”

She proved to be a perfect match, and the transplant was done in November 2002, two days after Jason’s sixth birthday.

“Cindy is still doing fine,” Jonnie said. “She said if she had another kidney to spare, she’d give it to Jason.”

Hudson’s kidney gave Jason nearly eight trouble-free years. But two years ago, it began to fail, and the LaHattes began looking for a new one. Several people were tested in late 2010, and in December, they thought they had a donor. The transplant was scheduled over the holidays, but when Jason went into the hospital, the doctor noticed he was pale and dehydrated. Tests showed he had a serious virus, and he spent a week in the hospital recuperating.

“They canceled the transplant,” Jonnie said.

Later, the donor changed his mind, and they were back where they started. Still, Jason managed to keep going without dialysis, and last June the LaHattes took a special trip.

“We went to Lourdes, France,” Jonnie said.

Lourdes is the little town in southern France where Bernadette Soubirous had visions of the Virgin Mary in 1858. The 14-year-old discovered a spring near the grotto where she saw the Blessed Virgin, and it has been flowing ever since. Thousands of pilgrims visit Lourdes every year to bathe in the healing waters there.

“The bath was the best part,” Jason said. “They lay you down in the water and it’s really cold, but when you get out, you’re warm and dry.”

The LaHattes were able to go because of a nurse who volunteers on the special needs pilgrimages with the North American Lourdes Volunteers.

“She had a son who went to school with Jason’s older brother, and she had been praying for Jason,” Jonnie said. “She got someone to sponsor Jason, so how could we say no? It was like Mary was talking to us.”

At first, only Jonnie and Jason were supposed to go, but then the group offered to let Joe go along as a volunteer. He was even able to go in the water with Jason.

“It was touching, I tell you,” Joe said. “There’s so much faith there.”

It was a memorable week for all three of them, and they came home believing they would find a healthy kidney for Jason soon. But by January 2012, he was still waiting. By then, his kidney was functioning at less than 10 percent, and he was placed on the transplant list. And he was back on dialysis, something he had been dreading.

“I still remembered it from the last time,” he said.

Now, the teenage hangout room in the LaHattes’ house is a place to store boxes and boxes of supplies, and every night Jason is hooked up to a dialysis machine when he goes to bed.

“But I don’t feel bad. There’s not much I can’t do,” he said.

Jason is an honor-roll student at Jesuit and in the marching, jazz and concert bands. During Carnival season he marched in the Bacchus parade and the Carrollton parade and also was an honorary 610 Stomper in Thoth.

“That was fun,” he said.

jason-lahatte-mardi-gras-sign.jpg Rusty Costanza, The Times-PicayuneJason Lahatte sits next to his dialysis supplies at his home in Metairie. He is holding the sign he made for Mardi Gras parades, which earned him a bunch of coconuts from Zulu riders.

Jason tries to make the best of his situation. Before heading to the Muses parade, he made a sign that said, “On dialysis. Need kidney or shoe.” It worked so well he made another sign Mardi Gras morning and substituted “coconut” for “shoe.”

“I got 18 coconuts and eight shoes,” he said.

The day before Easter the LaHattes got a call saying that a young organ donor with type O blood had died in an accident. By that afternoon, they were at Children’s Hospital thinking that their prayers were about to be answered. A few hours later, though, they learned another boy was being considered.

They spent the night still hopeful, but in the morning the doctor came in and told Jason the other boy was a better match.

“We thought there would be two kidneys, but one was damaged in the accident,” Jonnie said.

So they keep waiting, and they keep praying.

“We should have enough prayers to get a new kidney," Jonnie said. "We have people from every religion praying. We have people in every part of the country."

After Jason got his first transplant, the Louisiana Make-A-Wish Foundation sent the LaHattes to Disney World for a wonderful vacation.

“And after I get my surgery, I’ll get another wish from Make-A-Wish,” he said.

But Jason has no idea what he’ll wish for. All he really wants is a kidney that works.

If you are healthy, have type O blood, are between 18 and 45 and want to learn more about becoming a donor for Jason, contact Joe LaHatte at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or Jonnie LaHatte at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . To sign up to be an organ donor, go to Donate Life Louisiana


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