Woman In Grocery Dispute Allegedly Used Prosthetic Leg As Weapon - Huffington Post PDF Print

Police in North Carolina say a woman involved in an argument with a man over the purchase of groceries got a leg up in the dispute when she allegedly used her prosthetic leg as a weapon.

"It's very unusual," Donna Lahser, a spokeswoman for the Gastonia Police Department, told The Huffington Post. "I can see why it has piqued everyone's interest."

According to the police report, the incident occurred Sunday afternoon at a residence on Lakeview Street in Gastonia. An unidentified woman allegedly got into an argument with 29-year-old Charles Talbert. The two were in some sort of disagreement over the recent purchase of groceries, police said.

"[The] suspect stated [Talbert] had been harassing her for two days over a trip to the grocery store," the police report reads.

The argument became heated and, according to the woman, Talbert hit her and she fought back. Talbert's version of the events was slightly different, according to police.

"She became violent and punched him in the face and chest with her fists. Then she removed her leg and struck him with it," Talbert's argument reads in the police report.

The woman's dialysis tube was pulled from her neck during the scuffle and she had to be transported to a local hospital for treatment.

Talbert was not physically injured, but did tell police his cellphone and glasses were damaged during the altercation. He estimated the damages at $300, according to the police report.

Neither party was taken into custody.

"Prosecution was declined in this case so there was no arrest," Lahser said.

There has been no word yet on whether the dueling couple plan to make any additional grocery purchases together in the future.

Prosthetic Leg Fight

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