Star's legacy making treatment more comfortable for dialysis patients - ABC Online (blog) PDF Print

Star's legacy making treatment more comfortable for dialysis patients

07/08/2015 , 10:03 AM by ABC NENW

Alongside beautiful music and leading the way for recognising Aboriginal rights Jimmy Little has left a powerful legacy for Indigenous health.

Cyril and hazel green, Francis Little, Richie Clutterbuck

Jimmy Little was diagnosed with kidney failure in 2004  and spent some time on dialysis before receiving a transplant. His Foundation was set up in 2006 to help try and tackle kidney disease.

Recently, the renal unit at Armidale hospital was given a new chair after fund raising by Jimmy Little’s lead guitarist Cyril Green OAM and his wife Hazel OAM. The Local Bowling Club has also donated chairs.

Jimmy Little’s daughter Francis travelled to the region to make the delivery and also shared news of a new crowd funding initiative for the Foundation.

Francis Little talks about the Foundation Cyril Green OAM helped with the fundraising Nicola Hampersun says the chair is a valuable resource new_england_mornings


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