Dialysis world news

Nurse Shortages Endanger Children With Diabetes, UK (Medical News Today)

Children with diabetes are at increased risk of severe hypoglycaemic episodes and long-term complications such as blindness, kidney failure or amputations because paediatric diabetes specialist nurses (PDSNs) are severely overstretched, according to a report released by leading health charity Diabetes UK.

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Eight out of 10 patient transfers between facilities "non-urgent" - Market Wire (press release)

The researchers found that the typi-cal inter-facility patient transfer in Ontario involved a non-urgent appointment with a cardiologist or for a dialysis ...

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ETFs auf den DJ STOXX 600 Healthcare-Index - VERIT. (Stock World)

Frankfurt (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die VERITAS INVESTMENT TRUST GmbH stellt in ihrer aktuellen Ausgabe "ETF kompakt" u.a. ETFs auf den DJ STOXX 600 Healthcare-Index vor.

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Inventor of the dialysis machine - Sydney Morning Herald

WILLEM KOLFF was one of the geniuses of 20th-century medicine, inventor of the kidney dialysis machine and instrumental in the development of the artificial ...

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ETFs auf den DJ STOXX 600 Healthcare-Index - VERITAS INVESTMENT ... - boerse.de (Pressemitteilung)

... denn mit einem höheren Alter steige die Anfälligkeit für Zivilisationskrankheiten wie Krebs, Diabetes oder es entstehe die Notwendigkeit einer Dialyse. ...

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