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Dialysis world news

Fear of dentists killed child - ITV.com

She said: "I find that the cause of death was the result of acute renal failure due to dehydration and starvation. Sophie's death was influenced by an ...

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Denver E. Coli Outbreak Linked to National Western Stock Show - Newsinferno.com

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that the principal cause of acute renal failure among children in the United States is E. coli ...

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Combination of Diabetes and Sepsis Increases Likelihood of Renal ... - Insciences Organisation

Researchers have found that people with diabetes and sepsis are more likely to develop acute renal failure than people without diabetes; however, ...

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Plan für zweites Ärztehaus sorgt für Diskussionsstoff (Anzeiger Harlingerland)

Wittmund/ah – Das Ärztehaus beim Krankenhaus Wittmund soll für 6,5 Millionen Euro erweitert werden. Mehr Fachärzte, eine größere Dialyse-Praxis und eine zusätzliche Apotheke sind geplant, der Erweiterungsbau soll quasi die Lücke zwischen vorhandemen Ärzte- und dem Krankenhaus schließen.

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Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery - OR-Live

Experienced surgeons show you the laparoscopic procedure for removing a kidney from a healthy donor to transplant into a person suffering from kidney ...

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