Dialysis world news

Benefit Tea for Transplant Patient - WJHG-TV

Yon has not yet received word that he will get a transplant but the National foundation for Transplants, a non profit organization, is also sponsoring the ...

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Viropharma Plunges on CMV Drug Data - TheStreet.com

However, people with weakened immune systems, including patients undergoing bone marrow transplants, are susceptible to CMV-related disease, ...

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ViroPharma drug fails to meet study goal - Forbes

The Phase III clinical trial involved 681 patients who have undergone allogeneic stem cell - or bone marrow - transplant, which involves taking a stem cell ...

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Taxifahrer wollen nur noch Bargeld akzeptieren - Stuttgarter Zeitung (Abonnement)

Zum Monatsende würden die Krankenfahrten, die Patienten etwa zur Dialyse oder Bestrahlung bringen, abgerechnet. Doch die Kassen zeigten keine Kulanz, ...

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Cinco hospitales preparan la primera donación cruzada de riñón en España (Consumer via Yahoo! España Noticias)

Una base de datos permitirá a los centros entrelazar a los afectados de todas las comunidades autónomas

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