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Dialysis world news

Weight Loss Reduces Incontinence For Women (Medical News Today)

Starting a weight-loss regimen significantly reduces urinary incontinence for women, according to researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and the University of California, San Francisco.

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Blood And Urine Protein Predicts CKD Progression (Medical News Today)

Measuring a small protein in the blood and urine can predict which patients with non-advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) will progress to a more serious form of the disease, according to a study appearing in the February 2009 issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology (CJASN).

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Safari Club, FWP transplant goats to Ear Mountain - Great Falls Tribune

By BRUCE AUCHLY • For the Tribune • January 29, 2009 State wildlife officials, with help from Safari Club International recently moved 15 mountain goats to ...

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New England Journal of Medicine Publishes Case Reports on the ... - Earthtimes (press release)

Approximately 70% of patients with the most common mutation experience chronic renal insufficiency, chronic dialysis, or death by one year after the first ...

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Pas de progrès thérapeutiques en 2008 - Le Figaro

... (firme Eumedica), un thrombolytique qui peut être utilisé désormais pour la désobstruction de cathéters veineux centraux ou de dialyse thrombosés. ...

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