Dialysis world news

African Americans often unaware of kidney disease - Reuters

"The National Kidney Foundation, the American Society of Nephrology, and the National Institute of Health's National Kidney Disease Education Program are ...

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Frankfurt Stock Exchange quotations 28 January 2009 (EARTHtimes.org)

Frankfurt - Frankfurt Stock Exchange closing prices in euros. In brackets the point movement of index/price movement of stocks against previous quotation: DAX 4,518.72 (+ 195.30) MDAX5,175.20 (+ 275.88) Adidas 28.71 (+1.19) Allianz70.00 (+6.09) BASF ...

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NDP MLA recovering after liver transplant (CTV British Columbia)

New Westminster New Democrat MLA Chuck Puchmayr is recovering in a Vancouver hospital after receiving a liver transplant.

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African Americans often unaware of kidney disease (Reuters via Yahoo! News)

One reason that African Americans have high rates of kidney failure is that earlier, treatable stages of kidney disease are not being recognized in this population, according to findings from the Jackson Heart Study reported in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases for February.

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New Westminster MLA Puchmayr recovering after liver transplant (Vancouver Sun)

Chuck Puchmayr, MLA for New Westminster, is recovering at Vancouver General Hospital today following a successful liver transplant over the weekend, said New Democratic Party leader Carole James.

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