Dialysis world news

DAX: Schlusskurse im XETRA-Handel am 22.1.2009 um 18:14 Uhr (DPA via Yahoo! Nachrichten)

Frankfurt/Main (dpa) - An der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse wurden im elektronischen Handel (Xetra) am 22.1.2009 um 18:14 Uhr folgende Schlusskurse für die ...

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Frankfurt Stock Exchange quotations 22 January 2009 (EARTHtimes.org)

Frankfurt - Frankfurt Stock Exchange closing prices in euros. In brackets the point movement of index/price movement of stocks against previous quotation: DAX 4,219.42 (-41.73) MDAX4,880.13 (-55.32) Adidas 26.21 (+0.60) Allianz62.83 (+2.51) BASF 22.7...

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La hemodiafiltración en línea podría reducir la mortalidad de los ... - elEconomista.es

La hemodiafiltración en línea es una novedosa técnica de diálisis que se está implantando poco a poco en España dada la buena tolerabilidad que ofrece en ...

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CMS revamps dialysis data capture with CROWNWeb - ModernHealthcare.com

CROWNWeb is a secure, Web-based system that captures both clinical and administrative data from dialysis facilities across the country and will replace the ...

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Urine test spots trouble after kidney transplant - Canada.com

... Dr. Volker Nickeleit, one of the researchers in the study appearing in the Journal of the American Society Nephrology, said in a telephone interview. ...

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