Dialysis world news

Nierenspezialist uneinsichtig bis zum Schluss (DerWesten Duisburg)

Duisburg. Mindestens sieben seiner Patienten verordnete ein Nierenfacharzt belastenden Dialyse-Behandlungen, obwohl keine medizinische Notwendigkeit bestand. Dafür musste er sich in einem Berufungsverfahren erneut vor dem Duisburger Landgericht verantworten.

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Organ donor numbers doubled (ITV.com)

A call to double the number of organ donors registered in the UK has been hailed a success. NHS Blood and Transplant said the figure has reached 16 million a year ahead of schedule.

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Dialyse : le ras-le-bol d'un malade - L'Union

Le service de dialyse de l'hôpital est fermé pour trois semaines en raison de travaux qui vont permettre d'améliorer les conditions d'accueil. ...

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A gift from mum gives Craig new lease of life - thisislichfield.co.uk

... place a decade ago, technological advancements have allowed his mother to donate one of her own organs, after Craig was once again hit by renal failure. ...

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Epsom mum claims doctor diagnosed son's kidney failure as sore throat - Your Local Guardian

In the morning Luke was transferred to the St Thomas’s hospital with acute renal failure. “I don’t like to think what might have happened if we hadn’t taken ...

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