Dialysis world news

Gevangen vrouw aan dialyse door weigeren medicatie - NierNieuws.nl

Haar nierfunctie ging tijdens die vier maanden zodanig achteruit, dat ze binnen een week na vrijlating acuut aan de dialyse belandde. ...

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Bill seeks US citizenship proof for Miss. benefits - Picayune Item

AP Jackson — People who apply for food stamps or other public assistance in Mississippi would have to sign a sworn statement that they’re US citizens or ...

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Atlantans look forward to Obama administration - WABE

Glen McGreer works with dialysis patients. After listening to Obama's inaugural speech, McGreer said he's anticipates America's new President improving the ...

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Impaired Kidney Function Raises Risk Of Heart Problems In The Elderly (Medical News Today)

A study published next week in the open access journal PLoS Medicine suggests that elderly people with damaged kidneys are at greater risk of cardiovascular disease, such as heart failure and stroke, and other causes of mortality.

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California Family Physicians Call On President Obama To Lead National Health Care Reform (Medical News Today)

Members of the California Academy of Family Physicians (CAFP) today underscored a call for action with real-life patient stories to urge newly inaugurated President Barack Obama to begin immediately addressing health care reform nationwide.

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