Dialysis world news

Who Deserves An Organ Transplant And Who Should Decide? - California Progress Report

Who Deserves An Organ Transplant And Who Should Decide? By Joel A. Harrison Few people who read about the Nataline Sarkisyan case last year could have ...

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Spot Light On Continence Care (Medical News Today)

Continence care is not often in the spot light, yet around six million men, women and children in the UK are affected by incontinence. This week a video is being launched to highlight issues relating to incontinence and an All Party Parliamentary Group chaired by Baroness Sally Greengross, is to hold its first meeting in the House of Lords.

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Sich selbst kurieren mit Magnetfeldtherapie: Leistungsabfall der ... - ratschlag24

Das kann bis zu ihrem Ausfall führen und eine Blutwäsche (Dialyse) erforderlich machen. Die Behandlung mit der Schalldruck-Magnetfeldmassage besteht in der ...

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Girl Gets New Heart, Sister Still Waiting for Transplant (Fox News)

A 7-year-old girl received a new heart Monday, more than eight months after she and her older sister were put on the transplant list because of the same rare ailment.

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Girl, 11, to Get Life-Saving Stem Cell Transplant - FOXNews

OKLAHOMA CITY — An 11-year-old girl who won the backing of Oklahoma's football team in her search for a life-saving transplant could undergo the procedure ...

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