Dialysis world news

High-fat diet can cause impotence (Philippine Daily Inquirer) PDF Print

DO you know that men who eat food high in cholesterol are at great risk of becoming impotent.

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No new leads on Everingham’s whereabouts (Daily Liberal) PDF Print

Police are still searching for Narromine prison escapee Robert John Everingham who escaped from War Memorial Hospital in Waverley last Wednesday, while receiving dialysis for a kidney problem.

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Activité Royale (Le Matin.ma) PDF Print

Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI a inauguré, lundi, un centre d'hémodialyse à l'hôpital Hassani de Nador au profit des insuffisants rénaux de la province. Après avoir coupé le ruban symbolique et dévoilé la plaque commémorative, le Souverain a effectué une tournée à travers les différents services du centre, réalisé pour un coût de 5,1 millions de DH dans le cadre d'un partenariat entre le ...

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Couple responds to a need in Taholah (The Daily World) PDF Print

MACLEOD PAPPIDAS | THE DAILY WORLD Pastor Stan Lien fills a box of food destined for a family of three for Becky Bryant Thursday at the Taholah Food Bank.

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Ghana: Protecting the Publics' Health (AllAfrica.com) PDF Print

Protecting the health of the public is one of the cardinal responsibilities of every government. There is hardly anyone who will disagree with this statement.

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