Dialysis world news

Angel Flight in jeopardy (Kern Valley Sun) PDF Print

Nicole LasordaSpecial to the Sun Each month, volunteers from Angel Flight West fly patients needing specialized medical care, including chemotherapy and dialysis, to hospitals around California. Many of these patients are from rural areas and would otherwise be hard-pressed to receive the care they need.

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Juan's story: York City man has chosen death over dialysis (video) (The York Dispatch) PDF Print

Nilda Garcia's guide is a thin blue pamphlet titled, "Gone From My Sight: The Dying Experience." Large print inside the 14-page guide details what she, her daughter and husband can expect in coming days and weeks as her brother, Juan Viera Colon, faces the end of his life.

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Des exactions policières qui se multiplient pour dissuader les Roms, citoyens de l’Union européenne, de venir ou ... (Groupe d’information et de soutien des immigrés) PDF Print

Depuis la fin de la trêve hivernale, les acteurs qui interviennent sur le terrain en France auprès des Roms d’Europe de l’Est vivant en squat ou bidonville partagent le sentiment d’une montée générale du harcèlement policier à l’encontre des familles.

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Body of man found on west Cumbrian beach (The News and Star) PDF Print

Police searching for a fisherman believed washed away by flash floods on the west Cumbrian coast last week have found a body.

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Escapee search continues (Daily Liberal) PDF Print

NSW Police were unable to shed any light on what sort of medical state prison escapee Robert John Everingham would be in after five days without dialysis.

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