Dialysis world news

New Biological Therapy Ilaris(R) Approved In US To Treat Children And Adults With CAPS, A Serious Life-Long ... (Medical News Today) PDF Print

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Ilaris(R) (canakinumab) for the treatment of children and adults with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome (CAPS), which includes a number of rare, but life-long, auto-inflammatory disorders with debilitating symptoms and limited treatment options.

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Toward An 'Electronic Nose' To Sniff Out Kidney Disease In Exhaled Breath (Medical News Today) PDF Print

Scientists in Israel have identified the key substances in exhaled breath associated with healthy and diseased kidneys - raising expectations, they say, for development of long-sought diagnostic and screening tests that literally sniff out chronic renal failure (CRF) in its earliest and most treatable stages. Their report is in the current issue of ACS Nano, a monthly journal.

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La diálisis peritoneal potencia la autonomía del enfermo renal más que la hemodiálisis, según un experto de La Paz (Europa Press via Yahoo! España Noticias) PDF Print

El jefe de Servicio de Nefrología del Hospital Universitario La Paz de Madrid, Rafael Selgas, aseguró hoy que la diálisis peritoneal "potencia la autonomía" del paciente con enfermedad renal crónica que debe dializarse, algo que sin embargo no consigue en la misma medida la hemodiálisis, advirtió en el marco de unas 'Jornadas de Calidad y Sostenibilidad en el Tratamiento Sustitutivo Renal (TSR)' ...

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New dialysis machines commissioned into service at KPH (The Jamaica Observer) PDF Print

LYING on her bed in the renal unit at the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH), downtown Kingston, 68-year-old retired public health nurse Vertebell Rose is a picture of contentment as she admires a brand new haemodialysis machine that she is hooked up to.

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Using Vitamin C To Stop Diabetes Damage (Medical News Today) PDF Print

Researchers at the Harold Hamm Oklahoma Diabetes Center have found a way to stop the damage caused by Type 1 diabetes with the combination of insulin and a common vitamin found in most medicine cabinets.

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