Dialysis world news

Thousands expected for Tamil march (ITN via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News) PDF Print

Thousands are expected to march in protest against the Sri Lankan government's offensive against Tamil Tiger rebels.

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Tamil protester suspends hunger strike (Independent) PDF Print

One of two protesters staging a hunger strike will suspend his fast today as thousands of people take to the streets to march in protest against the Sri Lankan government's offensive against Tamil Tiger rebels and alleged human rights abuses.

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Kidney lost to reclaim life (The Telegraph) PDF Print

Subrata and Ratna Chanda had a choice — to die a little every day of their lives or to take a medical gamble in order to live life the way they want to, even if for a few precious years. The two chose to live.

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Idylle mit Rissen (Merkur Online) PDF Print

Garmisch- Partenkirchen - Basti Thomas Nier arbeiten nicht. Deshalb muss der Zweijährige jede Nacht an die Dialyse. Professionelle Hilfe erhält die Familie von Kinderkrankenschwester Marion Landgraf.

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Nigeria: Chibuogwu in N6 Million Request for Survival (AllAfrica.com) PDF Print

Lagos — He is young, educated and aspires to achieve greatness in life. However, his ill health might thwart his life ambition.

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