Dialysis world news
LifeCycle Pharma Moves LCP-Tacro™ into Clinical Phase 3 - Earthtimes (press release) |
The clinical trial protocol has been reviewed by FDA, and LCP expects to enroll approximately 300 stable kidney transplant patients in the program. ... read more |
Feu à l'hôpital d'Agen: plus de peur que de mal - Le Post |
Par mesure de précaution, une vingtaine de patients du centre de dialyse a été transférée vers le service de maternité, derrière une porte coupe-feu. read more |
Clinic adds to area's dialysis options - Anniston Star (subscription) |
By Jennifer Bacchus After opening of dialysis clinics in Anniston and Oxford over the last two years, administrators at Physicians Choice began to notice a ... read more |
Las masacres en Gaza deben llevarnos a la acción - Rebelión |
En Gaza, los palestinos morían silenciosamente, por falta de medicinas básicas: insulina, tratamiento de cáncer, productos para diálisis, que no les ... read more |
How to keep your furry friend safe in the winter - Asheville Citizen-Times |
“An elderly pet that normally copes well even though he has reduced kidney function may experience renal failure if his water source is frozen for even a ... read more |
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