Dialysis world news

Retour au bercail - De l'île des Soeurs à Rabat (Le Devoir) PDF Print

On parle beaucoup de ces femmes et de ces hommes du Sud qui émigrent vers le Nord, mais très peu de celles et ceux qui un jour choisissent de rentrer au bercail pour contribuer au développement de leur pays d'origine. Notre collaboratrice s'est rendue dans quatre pays du Sud, à la rencontre de personnes qui, ayant vécu au Québec, ont décidé de revenir au pays natal, fortes des apprentissages ...

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Illness led to volunteer work; now a place in the Rose Parade for ... - Inland Valley Daily Bulletin PDF Print

... with hemolytic-uremic syndrome, a disease characterized by abnormal breakdown of red blood cells, acute renal failure and a low platelet count. ...

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Transplant surgeon acquitted - New Times SLO PDF Print

Dr. Hootan Roozrokh was acquitted of a charge of abusing a dependent adult, in a closely watched local case where the transplant surgeon was accused of ...

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Ohio pays for surgery Georgia denied to woman - Atlanta Journal Constitution PDF Print

By ANDY MILLER An Atlanta woman has received an intestinal transplant through charity care at the Cleveland Clinic, after Georgia’s Medicaid program denied ...

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SkyTrain and Coast Mountain bus update for Dec. 28 - Vancouver Sun PDF Print

... ferry remains closed until further notice. HandyDART customers should expect essential services only for today for dialysis and priority medical trips.

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