Dialysis world news

Grateful transplant patient delivers holiday cheer - Nanaimo Daily News PDF Print

The Nanaimo liver transplant recipient was at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital on Wednesday, delivering holiday-themed tins of popcorn to staff. ...

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Mise en garde · Attention aux glucomètres défectueux (Canoë) PDF Print

Santé Canada vient d'émettre une mise en garde concernant des glucomètres qui pourraient donner des résultats faussement élevés. (Agence Nomade)

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High level of flu in Forth Valley (BBC News) PDF Print

The number of cases of flu in the Forth Valley is double the rate for the same period last year.

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Lung transplant numbers, survival rates up: report - CBC.ca PDF Print

Since the first successful lung transplant was performed in Toronto 25 years ago, the number of lung transplants performed in Canada has grown substantially ...

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High level of flu in Forth Valley - BBC News PDF Print

The "at risk" group are people over the age of 65, and those under 65 who have chronic illnesses such as heart disease, asthma, chronic renal and liver ...

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