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Dialysis world news

Scoach News: Scoach (Frankfurt) - Positives Kontrastprogramm - FinanzNachrichten.de PDF Print

Die Papiere des Gesundheitsdienstleisters Fresenius Medical Care stehen dagegen unter Druck. Die WestLB berichtet, dass die US-Verkäufe der Fresenius Marke ...

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Dialysis clinic relocates - Palladium-Item PDF Print

Dr. Essam Mostafa, a nephrologist affiliated with Indiana Nephrology Internal Medicine, is the clinic's medical director. Indiana Nephrology Internal ...

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Risiken bei der Darmkrebsvorsorge (Pressetext.at via Yahoo! Nachrichten) PDF Print

Wien/London (pts/18.12.2008/13:00) - Der US-Hersteller C.B.Fleet hat heute mit sofortiger Wirkung seine verschreibungsfreien Produkte zur Darmspülung, Fleet Phospho-soda und Fleet Phospho-soda EZ-Prep ...

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Surgeons perform first simultaneous double-lung, kidney transplant ... - Science Centric PDF Print

'Furthermore, I had to dialyse him while I was doing the transplant,' Love said. 'He was very ill. He had pneumonia, two clotting abnormalities and a ...

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Surgery transplanted most of patient's face - Haber 27 PDF Print

A severely disfigured woman received the nose, cheeks, upper jaw and facial tissue from a female cadaver in the first near-total face transplant in the ...

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