Dialysis world news

Renal Ventures to open more dialysis centers - NephrOnline

Renal Ventures Management announced the opening of two dialysis centers specializing in high-quality patient care. Both located in Texas, the Renal Center ...

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Pacientes en diálisis responden mejor a mayor altura: estudio (Buena Salud)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Los pacientes que deben dializarse y viven a mayor altura sobreviven mejor a la enfermedad renal severa que aquellos que viven a altitudes menores, gracias a los cambios que produce la elevación en el cuerpo, explicaron investigadores.

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Ook Catharina-ziekenhuis is topwerkgever - Medical facts

Ivonne Hegge, hoofd Dialyse in het Catharina-ziekenhuis, werd geïnterviewd. Zij groeide van verpleegkundige tot teamleider naar haar huidige functie. ...

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Radio legend Eddie Schwartz dead - Southtown Star

... which collected tons of food for the needy, had been suffering from ill health in recent years. He was diagnosed with renal failure in 2005.

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Dialysis Patients Residing At Higher Altitude Have Lower Rate Of Death (Medical News Today)

Compared to dialysis patients living near sea level, dialysis patients living at an altitude higher than 4,000 feet have a 12-15 percent lower rate of death, according to a study in the February 4 issue of JAMA.

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