Dialysis world news

Pacientes en diálisis responden mejor a mayor altura: estudio - Reuters América Latina

De hecho, las tasas de supervivencia para los pacientes con enfermedad renal en estadio final que recibían diálisis aumentaban firmemente a medida que lo ...

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You can help make sure life goes on - NW Evening Mail

Becoming an organ transplant donor couldn’t be easier as I discovered, and while I would advocate others to join the crusade, the thought of it may actually ...

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Patients On Dialysis Live Longer At Higher Altitudes - dBTechno

Washington (dbTechno) - According to a new study, patients on dialysis live longer at higher altitudes compared to those who live at lower altitudes closer ...

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Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador beneficia a 135 personas ... - El Periodico de Negocios del Ecuador

Metrodial y Manadiálisis abren sus puertas para beneficiar a 135 personas con el tratamiento de diálisis gratuitas, gracias al convenio que tienen con el ...

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Stem Cell Transplant Reverses Early-stage Multiple Sclerosis - BioResearch Online (press release)

In previous studies, Burt had transplanted immune stem cells into late-stage MS patients. "It didn't help in the late stages, but when we treat them in the ...

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