Dialysis world news

Doctors test latest attempt at artificial liver - The Associated Press

If it's too far gone, a transplant is the only option — but a dying liver starts a fast chain reaction where kidneys shut down, bleeding begins and patients ...

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DAX: Schlusskurse im Parketthandel am 2.2.2009 um 20:07 Uhr (DPA via Yahoo! Nachrichten)

Frankfurt/Main (dpa) - An der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse wurden im Parketthandel am 2.2.2009 um 20:07 Uhr folgende Schlusskurse für die 30 Werte des Deutschen ...

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Blood And Urine Protein Predicts Chronic Kidney Disease Progression (Science Daily)

Measuring a small protein in the blood and urine can predict which patients with non-advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) will progress to a more serious form of the disease, according to a new study. The findings could be used to devise a new screening method for identifying which patients should receive aggressive therapies to prevent the progression of their disease.

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City that braved the Blitz crumples in snowstorm (AP via Yahoo! News)

It was hardly a blizzard, but it still shut down the city that had beat back the Blitz.

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Transplant Patient Sues After Contracting HIV - Renal and Urology News

The University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC) and one of its transplant surgeons are facing malpractice charges from a kidney transplant patient who has ...

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