Dialysis world news

TV review: Less life on American Mars as retro-transplant misses ... - NZ Herald Dunedin Metro

That can be taken literally in the American remake of Life on Mars which started on TV3 last night, featuring Detective Sam Tyler's retro-transplant from ...

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Complete Supine Percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy Comparison With The Prone Standard Technique (Medical News Today)

UroToday.com - The supine approach to percutaneous nephrostolithotomy (PCNL) appears to be well practiced and perfected in many countries outside of North America. Excellent outcomes have been reported by groups in Spain, Egypt, and other countries. What has been missing, until now, is a prospective randomized study.

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Ky. asks Obama to speed federal aid for ice storm (AP via Yahoo! News)

Kentucky's governor will ask President Barack Obama on Monday to speed up federal aid dollars as costs spiral past $45 million for emergency work to restore power, hand out water and food and clear debris across the state hit hard by an icy winter storm last week.

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Kidney brings friends closer together (KRIS-TV Corpus Christi)

LUBBOCK, Texas -- Karla Hope of Lubbock always knew there was a chance she had polycystic kidney disease, which could kill her. But she didn't want to get tested because not only is...

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Food Safety: Melamine accusations are too little too late - InjuryBoard.com

Counselor: How many infants with renal failure was an acceptable number? Counselor: Do you have any grandchildren Ms. Wenhua? Where did you purchase their ...

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