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Dialysis world news

Hand transplant hits a historic milestone - Gloucester County Times - NJ.com

This week, the 47-year-old from Mays Landing marked the 10-year anniversary of his hand transplant Ð the nation's first and the world's first successful one ...

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Multiple sclerosis symptoms 'can be reversed by stem cell treatment' (Daily Telegraph)

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis can be reversed with a new treatment using patients' own stem cells a new study has shown.

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Renal Ventures Opens Two Dialysis Clinics in Texas - Renal Business Today

Both of the new centers are co-venture partnerships with nephrologists. Ira Epstein, MD, of North Texas Kidney Disease Associates (NTKDA) will act as the ...

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Fresenius Medical Issues Weather Advisory to Dialysis Patients - Trading Markets (press release)

Fresenius Medical Care North America encourages patients to be prepared for bad weather and offers the following advice: - Keep your emergency phone numbers ...

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Woman gets life-changing gift of kidney from friend (Lubbock Avalanche-Journal)

Karla Hope of Lubbock always knew there was a chance she had polycystic kidney disease, which could kill her. But she didn't want to get tested because not only is there no cure, but it also would be difficult for her to get health or life insurance.

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