Dialysis world news

Intravenous Iron Replacement Benefits Dialysis Patients ... - Modern Medicine

28 in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Robert Provenzano, MD, of St. John Hospital and Medical Center in Detroit, and colleagues ...

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Stanley records a first in liver transplant - Hindu

CHENNAI: South India’s first successful liver transplant in the public sector was performed at the Government Stanley Hospital’s Centre for Surgical ...

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Los afroamericanos a menudo no saben que tienen enfermedad renal (Buena Salud)

NUEVA YORK (Reuters Health) - Un motivo por el cual los afroamericanos tienen altas tasas de insuficiencia renal es la falta de detección temprana de la enfermedad en esa población, indicaron los resultados de un estudio publicado en American Journal of Kidney Diseases.

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National Marrow Donor Program Celebrates 35,000 Transplants (Medical News Today)

Early this week, the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) celebrated its 35,000th transplant, marking an impressive milestone in the nonprofit organization's 21-year history. In just 13 months, the NMDP facilitated more than 5,000 unrelated bone marrow and cord blood transplants, representing a nearly 18 percent increase over 2007.

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Stop paying GWAHS, minister - Mudgeee Guardian and Gulgong Advertiser

Mr Semmler exposed the hurdles community fundraisers faced during an eight-year battle to make the Betty Orth Memorial Unit for Diabetes/Dialysis a reality. ...

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