Dialysis world news

Dívida milionária da Prefeitura de Nova Iguaçu com fornecedores ... - O Globo

RIO - Cerca de 130 pessoas que fazem diálise peritoneal, aplicada quando os rins não funcionam, dependem do acerto de uma dívida de R$ 1,9 milhão da ...

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paidContent.org - Jobs Asks Bloomberg To Be Left Alone; Tim Cook ... - Washington Post

That was the response Jobs gave to Bloomberg, when they called to ask him whether he was considering a liver transplant. Separately, Reuters reported today ...

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Medicare certifies UMC's liver transplant program - Tucson Citizen

University Medical Center's liver transplant program has been certified by the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. ...

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Family's SOS to help dying woman - Gulf Daily News

By ANIQA HAIDER THE family of a dying Bahraini woman living in Saudi Arabia, who needs BD40,000 for a bone marrow transplant, are appealing to the country's ...

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HealthNews Salutes: The National Marrow Donor Program - HealthNews

For many patients with life-threatening diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma, a bone marrow transplant is their only real hope of survival and the best ...

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