Dialysis world news

Charity drive to buy life saving dialysis machine - Derry Today

By Staff reporter A Derry charity is asking local people to dig deep to help raise funds for a new kidney dialysis machine for Lourdes. ...

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Fresenius erlöst 800 Millionen Dollar mit Hochzinsanleihe - Reuters Deutschland

Mit der Anleihe löst Fresenius eine Zwischenfinanzierung von 650 Millionen Dollar für die Übernahme der US-Pharmafirma APP ab. Nun bleibt auch noch Geld für ...

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PARENTS OF FIRST MELAMINE - 2 (Bernama via Yahoo! Malaysia News)

Dong Junming, another of the couple's lawyers, said.

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Denuncian que Sanidad prevé suprimir el servicio actual de ... - elmundo.es

No obstante, "ahora para sorpresa e indignación de los sufridos pacientes, les explican que el nuevo hospital no va a recibir enfermos de diálisis ya en ...

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Medicare Advantage plans may lose some federal cash (Las Vegas Sun)

Health insurers offering enhanced Medicare plans to senior citizens could see their reimbursements dramatically cut as Congress looks to further squeeze the optional, yet lucrative, Medicare product sold by those companies. The Medicare Advantage plans were developed as a supplement to traditional Medicare, a social health plan for people 65 and older, people with disabilities and those with ...

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