Dialysis world news

Further 174 Cuban health professionals leave for Ecuador (Granma Internacional) PDF Print

THE brigade of 62 Cuban specialists who initiated a study of people with disabilities in Cotopaxi, Ecuador, this past July is to increase to 236 with today’s departure of a further 174 heath professionals, with the goal of extending this investigation to cover the entire country.

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American Association Of Kidney Patients Host Kidney Disease Education Program In Brooklyn, New York (Medical News Today) PDF Print

Kidney disease patients, family members and those at risk of developing kidney disease are invited to join the American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP) as it hosts Kidney Beginnings: Live. The program is being held Sunday, Sept. 13 at the SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Health Science Education Building in the Alumni Auditorium.

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France-Maroc : Convention bilatérale de Sécurité Sociale toujours pas au point (Yabiladi) PDF Print

Les conventions bilatérales de Sécurité Sociale – entre la France et un pays étranger hors Communauté économique européenne (CEE) – établissent les règles de couverture sociale des ressortissants de chacun des deux pays résidant dans l’autre pays.

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Burkina Faso: Floods Shut Down Hospital, HIV Reference Lab (AllAfrica.com) PDF Print

Ouagadougou — Recent floods have shut down Burkina Faso's main hospital, interrupting dialysis treatments, preventing HIV diagnoses and overloading health centres ill-equipped to take on surgical cases, according to the Health Ministry.

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Toru?: ?wier? wieku z dializ? za pan brat - Rynek Zrdowia PDF Print
Rynek Zrdowia
Pierwszy raz do stacji dializ pojecha? we wrze?niu 1984 r. – Od ?wier?wiecza je?dzi trzy razy w tygodniu – opowiada Gazecie Wyborczej jego ?ona Urszula.

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