Dialysis world news

La firma valenciana tiene garantizada durante los próximos 8 años la gestión del servicio (Levante) PDF Print

R. FERRANDO VALENCIA El consorcio integrado por la empresa valenciana Ribera Salud, la firma catalana Balagué Center y la madrileña Asistencia en Medicina para las Entidades de Seguros va a realizar los análisis clínicos de los seis nuevos hospitales de Madrid.

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Local News (u.tv) PDF Print

In early March, while staying at our holiday cottage in Trafalgar on the KwaZulu-Natal south coast, I went swimming, as has been my habit for many years, in the idyllic Mpenjati lagoon.

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Gerald A. Beathard Fellowship Awarded to Dr. Stephen Osaguona - Reuters PDF Print
ReutersThe fellowship is named for one of the foremost pioneers in Interventional Nephrology and Lifeline's Vice President of Provider Development, Dr. Gerald A.

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Catanzaro, in dialisi diventa mamma - ANSA PDF Print
(ANSA) - CATANZARO, 4 SET - Una donna di 34 anni in dialisi peritoneale ha partorito una bambina nell'ospedale Pugliese-Ciaccio di Catanzaro.

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Medicare Advantage Rates Could Go Up, While Part D 'Exceeding Expectations' (Medical News Today) PDF Print

Seniors on Medicare Advantage plans could pay more in premiums, while Medicare payments for drugs, dialysis and power wheelchairs get mixed reviews. "Despite near-zero inflation and recessionary conditions, health insurers in 2010 face another year of double-digit increases in the charges they pay for hospital services, physicians, drugs, and other healthcare costs," U.S.

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