Dialysis world news

Press Release (PharmiWeb) PDF Print

Compton, UK, 1 September, 2009 — Baxter International Inc. today announced that it has received approval to formally close its agreement with Edwards Lifesciences to acquire the Edwards’ haemofiltration business, also known as Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT).

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Katherine Jenkins finishes Cardiff 10k run (icWales) PDF Print

Katherine Jenkins is usually spotted on the stage or red carpet.

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Engagement tut Not - Über 360 Mecklenburger und Vorpommern warten auf Organspende (MVregio) PDF Print

07.09.2009: Schwerin/MVregio 361 Mecklenburger und Vorpommern stehen derzeit auf der Warteliste von Eurotransplant, um so schnell wie möglich ein lebensrettendes Organ zu erhalten.

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Transplante: eles venceram os limites do próprio corpo - Correio de Uberlândia PDF Print
Correio de Uberlândia
Há dez anos na fila de espera por um rim, o aposentado Natalino José Augusto, 60, sobrevive graças às quatro sessões de diálise semanais.

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Condobolin lobbies for dialysis service - ABC Online PDF Print
ABC OnlineThe council's general manager, George Cowan, says it is a huge burden for patients to have to travel up to two hours for dialysis.

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