Dialysis world news

Leczy? mo?na, ale za darmo - TVN24 PDF Print
Np. dla pani Janiny Hausman to strata po?owy dnia (sama dializa trwa kilka godzin), aw ci?gu roku chorzy na nerki ?rednio miesi?c sp?dzaj? na dializach.

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Major Review Confirms Safety, Efficacy Of Corneal Transplant Procedure; Widely Used Antibiotic Can Cause Double Vision (Medical News Today) PDF Print

Highlights of September's Ophthalmology, the journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (Academy), include a 2009 review by the Academy of the safety and efficacy of a widely used corneal transplant procedure and a warning about an unusual but serious reaction to systemic fluroquinolones, a class of antibiotics used to treat a variety of bacterial infections.

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PREDICT Score Allows Personalized Antiplatelet Therapy (Medical News Today) PDF Print

Studies from a growing body of convincing data show that responsiveness to antiplatelet therapy is real. This is a clinically important issue and there is a need to develop individual antiplatelet strategies particularly for patients at risk.

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Le sacerdoce silencieux d'un service public de néphrologie - Le Figaro PDF Print
Le Figaro
REPORTAGE - Le seul service hospitalier de dialyse rénale de l'Essonne accueille, même en urgence, tous les malades insuffisants rénaux.

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Dialyse : l'espoir du rein artificiel portable - Le Figaro PDF Print
Le Figaro
Une société américaine a conçu un appareil de dialyse qui se porte à la ceinture et permet au malade de vivre presque normalement. Reste à trouver l'argent

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